Friday, September 19, 2014

Birds Of Ceylon

The birds are Ceylon  are enchanting. To begin with garden birds in the low country, the commonest are the Magpie Robins (Polkichcha), Red – vented bulbuls (Kondays), the Mynah the House Sparrow (Ge kurulla), the ubiquitous Crow (Kakka), Sun birds & the seven sisters. And in the trees, green barbets that hammer out hesting holes, like the woodpeckers (Kottoruwas), the lovely black headed Orioles, with lovely flutelike notes & a flash of golden yellow & the red-backed wood peckers. Graceful terns & brown headed gulls (Lihiniya) invade the harbor & Brahmin kites’ wheel overhead. As many eighty or more different species of birds have been recorded within the confines of Colombo.

But to see the abundance of birds life in Ceylon one has to go to the more secluded areas & to the lakes or tanks scattered throughout the island. Within the shores of Ceylon no birds have been authenticated. Of these twenty one species & eighty one sub species or geographical races are (according to W.W.A Phillips in his birds Ceylon) endemic to Ceylon & do not occur beyond our shores.

Ceylon being only about 48.28km from India, it is not surprising that most of the birds found in Ceylon are the same as. Or are closely related to those found in India. Of the three hundred & ninety eight birds listed in Ceylon, one hundred & thirty four are resident both in India & Ceylon. One hundred & fifty two species visit Ceylon in their thousands, during the winter moths only, that is during the months which have an “r” to escape the northern winters, living in Ceylon jungles, swamps, lagoons & paddy fields.

Examples of birds indigenous to Ceylon are: the Ceylon blue magpie, spotted wing thrush, Ceylon warbler, Ceylon grackle, yellow eared & black headed bulbuls, Ceylon large white-eye, legge’s flower-pecker, yellow- fronted barbet, red-faces Malkoha, Ceylon lorikeet, Ceylon jungle fowl & Ceylon spur fowl.

Birds found only in the low country of Ceylon include. The Ceylon large parakeet, the rose-ringed parakeet, green bee-eater & most storks, plovers, sun birds & sand pipers. Those that flourish in the cool climate of the hills include the blue magpie, yellow-earned bulbul, Ceylon warbler, grey wagtail, Ceylon Munia, hill swallow & the mountain eagle.

The bulbuls, babblers, wood peckers, barbets & parrots are resident birds. Many kind of flycatchers, warblers, all the wagtails, the Indian Pitta & most of the shore birds (plovers, snipe & sand-pipers) are winter migrants.

The Ceylon little minivet is found all over the island except in the highest mountains. It is a brightly colored bird which lives among the tree tops. The orange minivet is found mainly in the hills & is a beautiful sight. The spotted wing thrush, which is found only in Ceylon, lives in the jungle in the both low-country & the hills, it sings beautifully.

Paradise flycatchers are known for their beauty, long tails & jaunty crests. The white-browed flycatchers dance in a very pretty manner & sing a quaint little tune.
Ceylon black headed oriole is one of the best known of our birds. Its lovely colors & rich notes are characteristic. The Ceylon swallow & the hill swallow are resident birds. But the East Asian swallow comes to the island in a large numbers from countries north of India..

These are a variety of Ceylon woodpeckers. They lay their eggs in the hole which they dig in trees of palms. Barbets are brightly-colored fruit-eating birds of the tree tops. The Ceylon small barbet (Mal Kottoruwa) is sparrow-size & is found throughout the low country wet zone & in many areas of the dry zone & lower hills. The barbets, like woodpeckers, dig nest-holes in the dead trunks & branches. The Indian Pitta comes to Ceylon from India during the North-East monsoon.
The pin-tail snipe nests in northern India & comes to Ceylon in large numbers about September, departing in April. Ceylon is ricy in beautiful kingfishers. They live mainly on fish which they catch by plunging in to ponds or streams.

Of the cuckoo family, the beautiful red-faced Malkoha is found only in Ceylon jungles.
The commonest owl in Ceylon is the collared scopes owl. Ceylon has many numbers of the pigeon tribe. There are three kinds of fruit eating pigeons: the pompadour green pigeon, the Ceylon orange- breasted green pigeon & the Ceylon yellow-legged green pigeon. The Ceylon ash dove is found almost everywhere except in the highest hills.

The Ceylon jungle fowl is a handsome bird but is getting scarce with the opening of the jungles for food production. It is found only in Ceylon. The Ceylon spur fowl is also found only in Ceylon.
The Indian pea fowl is found wild in many of the dry zone scrub-jungles of Ceylon. The male spreads the fans of his tail to dazzle in the sun. Its cry is a loud trumpet-like scream.

The mud flats of the especially in areas uninhabited by man abound in storks, herons, spoonbills,  egrets, flamingoes,teal,duck terns & gulls.