Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kiribath (Milk Rice)

Kiribath (milk rice) is a traditional Sri Lankan dish made from rice. The word is a compound with a transparent meaning in the Sinhala language, where kiri means "milk" and bath means "rice". Kiribath can be considered a form of Rice pudding. The dish is prepared by cooking rice with coconut milk, whence this name. In Tamil, the dish is called paalchoru. The origins of Kiribath are not clear although it has now become a traditional dish and is common in almost every household in Sri Lanka, be it rich or poor.

Kiribath is an essential dish for any auspicious moment. It is very commonly served for breakfast on the first day of each month and is a very important aspect for the Sinhalese in celebrating the Sinhalese New Year. Kiribath is cooked and served as the first meal after the dawn of the New Year.

The recipe for Kiribath is fairly simple. After the rice is cooked in boiling water for about fifteen minutes, the coconut milk is added and cooked again until the liquid is absorbed. Salt is also added when cooking. 

However there are some variations to this where different ingredients are added, such as sesame seeds or cashew.

Kiribath is usually served with Lunumiris, a mixture of red onions and spices. It is also consumed with jaggery and bananas. On the Sinhalese New Year or on any other special occasion, it is served alongside traditional sweets like 'Kevum', 'Kokis' and 'Athirasa'.

The common method of serving Kiribath is placed on a flat plate and leveling the top and sides. Then it is cut into diamond shaped pieces. This has become almost the standard way of serving Kiribath, and it is almost impossible to find it being served in any other way.

Lunumiris (Katta Sambola)

Lunumiris (or lunu miris) is a spicy Sri Lankan sambal paste served as a condiment. It consists of chili pepper and sea salt, usually ground with mortar and pestle.

A common derivative is katta sambal, which adds other ingredients that can include white or red onions, maldive fish and lime juice. Lunumiris is mainly eaten in rural areas, whereas katta sambal is ubiquitous in Sri Lanka. It is not unusual for katta sambal to be called lunumiris, although this is not strictly correct.